Thursday, December 27, 2018


  • The Epiphany - Sunday, January 6 at 9:00
  • Epiphany 1 - Sunday, January 13 followed by coffee hour and Bishop's Committee Meeting
  • Bishop Knisely's Visit - Sunday January 20 at 9:00 [RESCHEDULED TO JANUARY 27]
  • St Paul's Day Celebration - Sunday January 27 at 9:00 followed by our Annual Meeting [RESCHEDULED TO FEBRUARY 3]

Looking forward to seeing you for these occasions and for services each and every Sunday as well!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas

Our Advent journey of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy has brought us at last to Christmas! Today we gathered with friends and family to worship, sing, celebrate and share at our church service and at the happy Christmas Day Dinner in the parish house. Thank you to all for being here. Blessings!

Sunday, December 2, 2018

First Sunday of Advent - Happy New Year!

As part of our service today we marked the First Sunday of Advent and the beginning of the new Church year by lighting our first Advent candle and by hanging the first special decorations on our Jesse Tree. These decorations were blue anchors inscribed by each parishioner with what there is in our lives, community and world that gives us "Hope".

In her sermon the Rev. Marilyn Mason spoke of the challenges of "putting on the armor of light" and reminded us that "All the paths of the Lord are love and faithfulness to those who keep his covenant and his testimonies."

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Mark Your Calendars

First Sunday of Advent - Sunday, December 2 at 9:00
Christmas Eve Prayers and Hymns - Monday, December 24th at 5:00 PM
Christmas Day - Tuesday, December 25th at 10:30 and after church at noon Pot Luck
Bishop Knisely's Visit - Sunday January 20 at 9:00
St Paul's Day Celebration - Sunday January 27 at 9:00 and after church our Annual Meeting

Looking forward to seeing you for these occasions and for services each and every Sunday as well!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Memorial Service and Interment for The Rev. Dr. David P. Jenkins

The Rev. Dr. David P. Jenkins, 82, fondly remembered by many at St Paul's for his service here, passed away on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 in Florida where he was Pastor Emeritus of all Saints Episcopal Church, Ft. Lauderdale .

A Memorial Service and Interment will take place Friday, July 27, 2018 at 2 p.m. here at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 2679 East Main Road, Portsmouth, RI. The Rt. Rev. W. Nicholas Knisely, Bishop of the Diocese of Rhode Island will celebrate, assisted by The Rev. Marilyn Mason, Priest in Charge at St. Paul's. All are welcome.

Read the obituary for the Rev. Dr. Jenkins here.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Holy Week Services at St. Paul's

March 29 - Maundy Thursday at 6:00 PM
March 30 - Good Friday Stations and Good Friday Liturgy at 6:00 PM
April 1 - Easter Day Service at 9:00 AM and gather for Easter Sunday Luncheon at 11:30-12:00